About Us
Umanac was founded in 2016 with an urge to address the evolving needs of the masses of consuming nutritious food and keeping away from the befalling health challenges due to pollution, contamination, and contemporary unfit farming practices. The company’s intent ever since has been to offer edibles that are developed without the use of artificial pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals, or toxins. At UMANAC, you shall encounter only consciously derived edibles that can be consumed stress-free. UMANAC Certified range of Ghee, Oil, Honey, Seeds, and other super-food is loaded with nutritive power which enables you to protect and secure your wellness forever and today! Our other food products like Lakadong Turmeric Powder and Himalayan Pink Rock Salt Powder come straight from their place of origin. With safe farming practices and eco-consciously obtained eatables, we insure to you a lasting health. We welcome you to a revolution of futuristic living – away from toxins and diseases, where you not only enhance your own lifestyle but also help to better the entire eco-system including the lives of many hard-working farmers.
Mission – Bringing food to your table, untainted - as they originally are supposed to be consumed.
Vision – A well inter-linked, harmonious ecosphere which is mutually benefitting to each and every one.
Our Promise – To maintain high standards of food products and maintain organic integrity at all times.